Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday Jitterbugs

Saturday programming is hit or miss around here, so I was very happy to have over 70 in attendance at today's Jitterbugs program!  Lots of dads too! This program is designed to be an even more active storytime that my weekly toddler one (Wiggle Worms).

Book: Peck, Peck, Peck by Lucy Cousins.
I introduced this woodpecker finger puppet when I introduced myself and our teen volunteer and then put him with the book on the storytime cart.  We did the "Bookworm" rhyme and then I pulled the book out and acted surprised by all the holes the woodpecker pecked when I wasn't looking.  It was pretty funny!
 Fingerplay: "Two Little Blackbirds"

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill (hands behind back)
One named Jack and one named Jill (bring fingers in front)
Fly away Jack
Fly away Jill
Come back Jack
Come back Jill

Do again with these changes:
...sitting on a cloud
...named Quiet and Loud

...sitting in the snow
....named Fast and Slow
My finger puppets:

 Letter Fun: We spelled BIRD and then used our bodies to spell it again:

 Cube Roll: "There Was a Little Turtle" and "Here is the Beehive"

 Movement Songs:  I LOVED how every single adult stood up and danced before I even encouraged them to do so.  What a great group!

"As I Was Walking to Town One Day" by Carole Peterson Listen to sample here
 Everyone on a walk:

"Beanie Bag Dance" Listen to sample here

"Shake Your Sillys" by Stacy Listen to sample here
I love this version because we shake, jump, kick, clap, dance, and hug

"Sticky, Sticky Bubble Gum" by Carole Peterson Listen to sample here
This song ends with our heads getting "stuck" to the ground:
"Finger Play" sorry- I can't remember where I got this one from...


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